New Athletes
Thinking about joining the OA Cross Country Team? You have come to the right place
Key Information
Cross Country (XC) is a Fall Sport at OA
Official practices start on the Monday that is two weeks before Labor Day (August 21st, 2023). Registration steps should be done at least one full week prior to that date. [Registration steps can be found here]
The team does not make cuts. We have high standards of commitment, but if you show up every day and work hard, you can be a part of the team. All athletes get to train and get to compete in our meetsÂ
Many of our athletes get together in the mornings over the summer to run and get in shape for the season (reach out to team captains for more information)
A Word from the Head Coach
OA Cross Country is about integrity, commitment, hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance. The pursuit of those values is how we define our success. The OA Cross Country program has a reputation for winning a lot of meets, medals, trophies, and championships, all of which is great, but these things are a byproduct of the kind of success we are building towards. In this program, it doesn't matter whether you are the fastest runner on the team or the slowest. We will meet you where you are at, challenge you, and help you get better. Its all about putting in the work, being a part of this process together with your teammates, and pushing each other to be the best we can be. Take a chance. Sign up. Push your limits with us this fall.
Next steps...
If you would like more information about the cross country program, reach out to head coach Kyle Sousa (
If you are ready to sign up, see the Registration page of our website